Hollister Credenza Reviews

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  1. Henry Viger (verified owner)

    I really enjoyed this project. I’ve been woodworking for less than two years, and as recent retiree, I wanted to fill my time with an endeavour that not only rewarded me with beautiful pieces of furniture, but also learn different techniques, and also how to overcome what I like to call ooopsies. The time spent milling the raw wood and seeing progress to its completion gives me an appreciation for something that honestly I never thought could ever achieve. This is my second build in Jory’s line of furniture items. The other being the Hank chair. I love the way Jory goes about explaining the build the way he goes about building it and encouraging you to take try different ways to achieve the same result, or as he sometimes says, maybe even better. My hobby has now turned into a passion. Thank you for that!